The Project for
Resilient Communities

The Project for Resilient Communities is a nonprofit organization focused on safety and resiliency in support of and to augment public sector efforts in Santa Barbara County. We are local residents compelled to act after the tragic Thomas Fire and 1/9 Debris Flow in Montecito. The risk of debris flows remains high. We have an opportunity to act on warnings and scientific data with current technologies to reduce this risk.
Please watch the film below to learn more about TPRC and the nets:

Six nets have been installed in San Ysidro, Buena Vista, and Cold Springs Canyons. The construction was closely monitored by a supervising biologist, geologist, and a geo-tech engineer to ensure that the environmental conditions of our permits and authorizations from the multiple governmental agencies are carefully maintained, and the nets have been in place protecting our resilient community since May 2019.
The Project for
Resilient Communities